Saturday, September 22, 2007

7 Keys for Happy Marriage

As-Salamo Alikom,

Alahmdlellah wa alsalato wa alsalamo a'ala rasoul allah - salla allah a'alih wa salam -
In the name of Allah

Thank you my dear wife for being with me :) and give me the light and motivation

What make marriage very happy and stable? A question I start to ask when I was going to marry and till now I'm searching & learning to get more and more answers for this. I start to pay a lot of attention how to make my wife very happy & content about our marriage and this was the main motivation to write about this topic.

I would like to share with you 7 keys I found as most effective habits in my opinion for happy marriage. What I’ll mention is mainly my personal view and understanding and I’ll appreciate any positive advice or guide related to my opinions.

Before I start I would like to explain that what I'm going to mention is ONLY after you choose and accept your spouse mentally and emotionally. Take your time in this very important decision and try to check the compatibility between you and your spouse and validate it very well before decide to continue.

Do we really need such information?
Someone can says I believe that around us we can find happy married people and for sure a lot of them didn’t read this article or similar topics so why we should bother about reading this?
Actually this is true. I just would like to add something that such happy married people are our source of knowledge in this article even if they don’t know this. How? Just simply such thoughts were taken from those happy married people and what they have in common, how they behave and Common positive habits, etc… It’s just experience pills were taken from successful and happy people.

Let’s start in this post I’ll mention the 7 keys just as points and Insha’Allah I’ll explain them one by one in separate posts to give you what exactly I mean and how to apply this in simple and practical way.

The 7 Keys for Happy Marriage:

1. Build full commitment, trust and loyalty.
2. Communicate openly, directly and honestly.
3. Make positive assumptions and interpretation.
4. Ask for anything you wish to get.
5. Solve problems immediately and before sleep.
6. Be responsible, patient and supportive all the time.
7. Accept, care and love unconditionally all the time.

Insha'allah by explain each point in the next posts you will find practical guide that may help you really to achieve outstanding happy marriage.


Amr said...

Hello kiki, this is really a nice post :)

Do these advices also applicable for the engagement period, or it will differ?

don't u have stuff for the process of choosing ba2a ;)

Tamer said...

Thanks ya Amr basha for your nice comment ;)

Insha'Allah I'll prepare special posts for engagement and choosing process ;)

For now you can use the 7 keys to:
1- Create search criteria
2- Examine personality aspects in your spouse.
3- Discuss such points with your Spouse and check if you both agree to achieve them in your marriage.

For example:
From key 2 & 3 I can make personal search criteria that I want my spouse to express her opinion and ask for what she wants.

If my spouse do not behave like this I can discuss this with her maybe she has different rule in her mind ( i.e some girls don’t like to ask for attention & care.For me I believe she better to ask to not be disappointed) .

After discussion maybe she is convinced about this rule or I decided to accept her opinion.

It is matter of discussion & share opinions it’s NOT facts or right/wrong rules so maybe you can agree and bring better keys after the discussion with your spouse.